In Memoriam
Members of the Altar & Rosary Society
Janis Shields
Jim Maloney
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord,
and let Perpetual Light shine upon them.
May their souls and the souls of Thy faithfully departed through the Mercy of God rest in peace. Amen
The purpose of the Altar and Rosary Society is to unite all Catholics of Saint Paul the Apostle Church in religious, educational and social activities. The Society assists the pastor in spiritual and material undertakings for the welfare of the parish, especially the parish Church. Annual fundraisers provide support for the diligent care of liturgical necessities, such as altar breads, vestments, altar coverings and other needs. Members foster devotion to the Mother of God, especially during the months of May and October, and other Feasts of our Blessed Mother.
The Society meets on the third Tuesday of each month. A rosary and Mass precede a luncheon and business meeting. There are no meetings in June, July and August. A Christmas luncheon is held in December at the Madonna Inn, San Luis Obispo.
Dues of the Society are ten dollars per year.
Membership in the Society is open to all parishioners of Saint Paul the Apostle Church and all nonmembers of the parish who have an earnest desire to join the Society.
Bake Sales (Palm Sunday weekend, and the weekend before Thanksgiving)
Christmas Luncheon at Madonna Inn, San Luis Obispo
Bake Sales - Lisa Firman, Pam Fada
Christmas Luncheon - Denise Stewart, Pamela Fada, Lisa Firman
Communications - Christine Spane
Directory - Meridee Kramb
The Living Rosary - Diane Bagwell
Altar/Blessed Mother Flowers - Rosie Nunes
Membership - Harriet Harrington
Nominations - Betty Burgin, Harriet Harrington, Pattie Maloney
Sunshine - Marlys Donnelly
President - Chris Kodak
Vice President - Judy Hughes
Secretary - Shar Ormonde
Treasurer - Lisa Firman