Meditate & Reflect On These Prayers
Divine Mercy for the Unborn
For all helpless little children who die in the womb of their mother, I pray that all of these little souls will be given eternal life by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, through His Divine Mercy and I beg Jesus that I be allowed to spiritually baptize a little soul born dead and I do so by saying: I baptize you (Give name, preferably a Saint’s Name) in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I have called you by your name, you are Mine! (Is. 43:1)
Prayer of Divine Mercy Apostolate
Capuchin Friary, Dublin
Prayer to God the Father of all Life
Eternal God, You have revealed Yourself as the Father of all Life. We praise You for the Fatherly care which You extend to all creation, and especially to us, made in Your image and likeness.
Father, extend Your hand of protection to those threatened by abortion, and save them from its destructive power. Give Your strength to all fathers, that they may never give in to the fears that may tempt them to facilitate abortions.
Bless our families and bless our land, that we may have the joy of welcoming and nurturing the life of which You are the source and the Eternal Father. Amen.
Redeemer in the Womb
Lord Jesus Christ, You took our human nature upon Yourself. You shared our life and death, our childhood and adulthood.
You also shared our time in the womb. While still God, while worshipped and adored by the angels, while Almighty and filling every part of the universe, You dwelt for nine months in the womb of Mary. You were our Redeemer in the womb, our God who has a preborn child.
Lord Jesus, we ask You to bless and protect the children who today are in their mothers’ womb. Save them from the danger of abortion. Give their mothers the grace to sacrifice themselves, in body and soul, for their children. Help all people to recognize in the preborn child a brother, a sister, saved by You,our Redeemer in the womb.
Prayers to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist
My Body
“This is My Body, given up for you.” Lord Jesus, we hear Your words each day at Mass. You have used these words to teach us the meaning of Your love for us, a love that brought You to the cross to give Your life so we might live. You use these words also to teach us the meaning of our love for one another, a love which leads us to give ourselves away that others might live.
“This is my body.” Lord, we also hear these words used by those who think they can take life, just because that life is growing within their body. We hear these words distorted by those who support abortion.
Grant that all Your people may learn that human fulfillment is never found by pushing someone else out of the way, but only and always by pushing ourselves out of the way. May all Your people live their lives according to Your most sacred words, “This is my body, given up for you!”
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the gift of the Holy Eucharist, Your Sacred Body, by which You unite us as one body in You. “For we, many though we are, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf” (1 Cor. 10:17). As we receive You, O Lord, You also receive us. As You draw us up to Yourself, You draw us also into one another. “You are the Body of Christ, and individually members of it” (1 Cor. 12:27).
Lord, grant that we may never exclude any of the other members of Your Body from our love. As we receive Your Body in Communion, so let us receive and welcome all the members of Your Body, no matter how inconvenient they may be. Help us especially to welcome those who have become the most unwelcome members of our world, namely, those who have just entered it. Bless our brothers and sisters in the womb. Rod our world of the sin of abortion, which divides parents from their own children, from one another, from their very selves, and from You, O Lord.
Grant that the power of Unity which we find in the Eucharist may overcome the fear of the unborn child, and may enable us to welcome that child as a brother, a sister, a member of Your Body. Amen.
Lord Jesus, I firmly believe that the Blessed Sacrament is Your very Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. Senses cannot grasp this marvel. Faith, however, reaches beyond what the eyes can see and assures us that You are present.
Grant, O Lord, that our faith in the Eucharist may also strengthen our ability to recognize the dignity of every human life. We know that the senses can fool us there as well. Some may not be attractive, others may seem too small, some may appear as less than human.
But we, who can see You in the Sacred Host, can certainly see you in our brothers and sisters. We can also see You, O Lord, in the children in the womb. In a day when so many have forgotten these children, and dismiss them as less valuable than those who are born, grant that we may grow all the or convinced of their dignity and worth.
Then grant, O Lord, that we may act accordingly. Amen.
Prayers to the Holy Spirit
Giver of Life
Come Holy Spirit, Creator of all things… You who breathed over the waters at the dawn of creation and brought forth all living beings… You who filled the apostles when the Risen Lord breathed on them on the first Easter night, giving them the power to restore life to those dead in sin… You who, on the last day, will breathe again over all the dead and raise them from the grave—Come! Come and breathe on our world again, immersed as it is in the Culture of Death! Come, O Lord and Giver of Life! Defeat the works of death in our midst, that abortion may no longer stain our land.
We worship You, O Holy Spirit, and we rejoice in You. We know that no matter how strong the forces of death may be, we can still find in You the endless source of life. Renew that life in each of us, and make us worthy apostles of the Culture of Life in our day! Amen.
Prayer to the Spirit of Truth
Holy Spirit, You are the promised Spirit of Truth, constantly revealing the splendor of truth to Your people, and leading us deeper into the Mysteries of our Faith.
Come to us today, and deepen in our minds and hearts the truth about the life: its greatness, its dignity, its reflection of the eternal God. Make us appreciate ever more the truth that life is always a good, and that every life is of equal dignity, despite all the different characteristics people have, or the different circumstances under which they come to be.
Come, Spirit of Truth. Free all Your people from the falsehoods that lead to the evil of abortion. Free them from the false and harmful ideas which make a god out of their own choices, or which fail to recognize the right to life of children in the womb.
Come, O Holy Spirit, and as You immerse us in Your truth, so make us effective witnesses of that truth within our families, among our friends, and to all the world. Amen.
The Advocate
O Holy Spirit of God, You were promised to us by the Lord Jesus as the Advocate, as one who pleads our cause and speaks up for us in the heights of heaven. “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever…” (Jn. 14:15).
The apostle Paul has taught us that You intercede for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in speech (Rom. 8:26).
We praise You today for the gift of salvation, for we are deeply aware that we cannot save ourselves. We have sinned, and we cannot win forgiveness on our own. We need an Advocate.
We ask You, O Holy Spirit, to make us ever more aware of those who need us as advocates. Grant that we may hear the cries of our youngest, smallest brothers and sisters, those still in the womb, who cannot speak or defend themselves, and who cannot even pray.
Holy Spirit, as You are the Advocate, so make us advocates. As You hear our cries for mercy, so let us hear the cries of others for mercy. Save us from the misfortune of seeking mercy only for ourselves, while being deaf to others. As You loosened the tongues of the apostles at Pentecost, so grant us today a Pentecost for the unborn, that we may speak for them before the great and the small, before governments and institutions, and before all Your people. Amen.
General Intercessions at a Pro-Life Mass/Prayer Service For Use at a Pro-Life Mass or Prayer Service
We trust in the mercy and power of God. Therefore, we now pray with confidence.
That God may protect all unborn babies, and keep them safe from the scourge of abortion, we pray to the Lord…
For all women who have had abortions, and for those who feel tempted and afraid, we pray to the Lord…
For all those who work in the pro-life movement, that they move forward with haste to the great day of victory, we pray to the Lord…
That God strengthen all pro-lifers who suffer ridicule, rejection or imprisonment, we pray to the Lord…
For the Holy Catholic Church throughout the world, that she may carry on her mission of life with faith and joy, we pray to the Lord…
That God may bless all doctors and nurses, and help them use their skills to heal and foster life, we pray to the Lord…
For all elected officials, that they courageously advance the cause of life, we pray to the Lord…
For all those who have died, that they share the full glory of Heaven, we pray to the Lord…
We praise you, O God, Lord and Giver of Life, and we look to You in the sure hope that You will grant these prayers through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Stations of the Cross Pro-Life Meditations
The First Station: Jesus is Condemned to Death
Though innocent, Jesus is condemned by the power of the State. In like manner, our innocent brothers and sisters in the womb have been condemned. Their rights and dignity are not recognized. In this, they bear a special likeness to Jesus.
The Second Station: Jesus is Made to Bear His Cross
The salvation of the world carried a heavy price for our Lord, the agony of the cross. As He accepts His cross, let us also resolve to endure suffering that others may live. Let us pay the price for standing up for our preborn brothers and sisters.
The Third Station: Jesus Falls the First Time
Almighty God was weak because He chose to be like us. He had power and glory from all eternity, yet He chose to be immersed in the world of suffering. We pray that the benefits and advantages we have in life may not cause us to forget our preborn brothers and sisters.
The Fourth Station: Jesus Meets His Afflicted Mother
There is no deeper relationship than that of mother and child. They belong together. When one suffers, the other suffers. To love and defend one means to love and defend the other. To be pro-life means to serve both the child and the mother. It means to ask our society, “Why can’t we love them both?”
The Eleventh Station: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
The powers of this world crucified the God who made this world. All power and authority come from God. All who exercise power have to account for it before the throne of God. We pray that those in government may use their powers to protect the innocent babies in the womb.
The Twelfth Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross
Our Lord died. So many of His children have died with Him. His passion is re-lived with every abortion, one every twenty seconds in our country. We only know a fraction of the horror of this act in the sight of God. We only know a fraction of the horror of Christ's crucifixion. May all our brothers and sisters killed by abortion rest in Christ's peace and be saved by His cross.
The Thirteenth Station: Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross
Mary experienced the pain of holding her dead Son. So many mothers grieve after their abortions. We ask that Mary may comfort them, help them face the truth about abortion, and lead them to forgiveness and healing.
The Fourteenth Station: Jesus is Laid in the Tomb
A tomb is a memorial. It helps us remember the one who can no longer speak. May we and our society remember the babies who cannot speak. May we also remember Our Lord's Resurrection, and His promise of eternal life. He has conquered abortion because He has conquered death. May we bring His victory to every part of our world!
Prayer of Blessing Over Memorial for the Unborn
Father of Life and Love, we thank you today that you have called us to share in the life of the one human family. We thank you for all our brothers and sisters, and ask You to deepen the bonds of love among us.
We thank you especially for our youngest and smallest brothers and sisters, those in the womb. Today, Oh Lord, we remember them, while so many choose to ignore and forget them. We remember those who are living, and commend them to Your protection. We remember those who have died and we commend them to Your mercy.
Father, we dedicate to You this memorial stone. We pray that it will serve as a witness to the humanity of our youngest brothers and sisters. We pray that it will serve as a testimony that we are responsible for them. We pray that it will provide a place where those who have lost their children may mourn and find comfort.
We pray, Father, that we who are the living stones of the Church, may likewise be witnesses to the dignity of life. Give us the grace to confront the evil of abortion and eliminate it. May we see the day when all people who look upon this stone will remember abortion only as a thing of the past, and may praise You forever for the victory of life.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.